Thursday, June 28, 2007

I miss my family...

As I finish up my second week of being the graphic designer at Kerstin Florian, I have come to terms that eventually things will get better. It's hard being the new kid in town. I can't live in the past anymore. I have to stay positive, have an open mind and give my step-family a chance.

I have to admit that I miss the family lunches where we gossip about celebrities as if they are our best friends, pick on Steve when all the shrimp is gone, wish that we weren't having rice and beans again...most of all just being able to eat and enjoy my lunch with good company. I miss the random Mo and Cathi singing and dancing shows in the hallway with Tina as the opening act. I miss the way Janae says my name when she needs help with something.

Things are just different here. Believe me when I say that the first week of work at your new adventure will be really hard. I don't know exactly what it feels like to have my parents split up...I am guessing this is the feeling someone goes through. The feeling of being forced apart from your sisters and not being able to see them everyday.

A wise lady told me last night that this struggle will only make me stronger and the best thing that has come out of the situation is meeting a group of wonderful, talented and hardworking people who will always remain as my second family.

"You can take the people out of the company. But, you can't take the people out of the family!"


ShesThatOneGirl said...

Mend.That was amazing.-Christina

Cathi Ellis said...

Beautifully stated. We miss you so much. You give us inspiration in your courage to be the first birdie to flee the nest.

I'm loving this blog idea. Let's continue to post and keep in very good touch!

Jason Pi said...

ah man, that was poignant, but also sad at the same time. i still remember all of you and all the insane times at the most uncorporate corporate job i've ever had. hope you all are doing fine, sorry i couldn't make it to the big good-bye bash.


nicole said...

we miss you amanda!

Julie Donahoo said...

I miss all of you! as I move on with pureOlogy....there is a piece of all of you in the creation and the beauty of everything I see. Product design, images, just evrything...I'm so proud of you. Thank you! please let's keep in touch... my new address in California is 5042 Waverider CR. Huntington Bch, 92649 be there at the end of the can I join the after hours club!?FOM!!!

Mel said...

Not a blog/internet/techy person and never thought I would be but PureOlogy turned me into a lot of things I never thought I would be! Settling into the new job - it's good but nothing can ever compare to PO. How are all the rest of you doing?

Believe it or not I've found Faith's sister - one of my fellow employees looks similar but the real de ja voo (remember spelling is my only weak point - and I am still bitter at those French) is the voice. If I close my eyes I can't tell the difference. And guess what - she works in the business operations department! Faith is there perhaps something your parents never told you?